AASCD Board Meeting

Board of Supervisor meetings are open to the public and occur on the third Wednesday of each month, November 20, 2024.  Open Meeting will start at 8:00 a.m. and will be held in the Anne Arundel Soil Conservation District office located at 2662 Riva Road  Suite 150, Annapolis Maryland. The meeting will be in person with the option to virtually attend through Google Meet. Board meeting agendas are available from our office one week before the scheduled board meeting.


To access the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey, go to:

Web Soil Survey

How to use the Web Soil Survey:
Click Here

For information on how to take soil samples for testing and where to have your soil tested:

Click Here

Anne Arundel County Agricultural & Woodland Preservation Program


Eddie Franceschi, Planning and Zoning Agricultural Program Manager at 410-222-7465
Email: pzfran24@aacounty.org


Billy Gorski, Planning and Zoning Agricultural Program Planner at 410-222-2869
Email: pzgors23@aacounty.org

University of Maryland Extension 

For the latest University of Maryland Ag Announcements go to: Ag Announcements

For the latest University of Maryland Ag News go to: Ag Newsletters

For Agriculture & Food Systems go to: Fruit and Vegetable News

For Woodland Stewardship Education go to: Branching Out


Soil Sampling of Optimizing Agricultural Production in Maryland: Fact Sheet 1184 November 2021

Precision Soil Sampling Helps Farmers Target Nutrient Application: Fact Sheet 1046 January 2017

Soil Fertility Management: SFM-4 Revised February 2021


Urban Agriculture Information:

University of Maryland Extension Urban Agriculture Program
Urban Agriculture Newsletter
Urban Agriculture Guidebook

Nutrient Management Plans

For more information on Maryland Extension and Maryland Department of Agriculture services and the recent changes go to:

Nutrient Management Summit

Agriculture Nutrient Management Program

For a list of For Hire Certified Nutrient Management Consultants click here.

To see a list of answers to frequently asked questions and options for plan writing services click here.

For your county University of Maryland Extension Nutrient Management Advisors go to: Advisors

For more information on Nutrient Management Plans go to:

Maryland Department of Agriculture Nutrient Management website

University of Maryland Agriculture Nutrient Management Program website

County buildings are open to the public, but we have placed our drop box in-between the front entrance outer and inner doors to avoid the need to sign in with the guard if you are just dropping off or picking up plans.  


In agriculture, the District emphasizes the importance of soil conservation and water quality, striving to have voluntary soil and water conservation plans for all working farms.  These plans help farmers optimize productivity while safeguarding their surroundings against the potential impact of poor land management.  Farmers are advised in areas that include preventing fertilizers and pesticides from draining into nearby tributaries through the use of innovative methods like cover crops and shoreline buffers.  The plans also aid farmers with issues related to conservation crop rotation and residue management.

In the area of urban development, the AASCD reviews all sediment and erosion control plans for pending construction projects in Anne Arundel County to ensure that developers take the necessary steps to manage runoff during construction to control soil erosion.